What Is A Pancake In Football And GOD Mean Guide

Football is just like other sports, including pros who can use techniques and strategies to their benefit while playing. Football is a contact sport because it demands contact and is a physical activity.

Football players use pancake block tactics against opponents on the field, and it’s one of the reasons why the game is so easily a contact sport. This article addresses what is a pancake in football terms.

What Does A Pancake In Football Mean?

What is considered a pancake in football? In football, a pancake is not our favorite morning food; it denotes a fantastic display of strength and skill on the field. A pancake block occurs when an offensive lineman successfully blocks an opponent with enough force to cause them to collapse to the ground like a pancake.

This move has the offensive lineman’s abilities and potential to change the course of the game! Despite being an unofficial word in the NFL, the player uses pancake block and spectators everywhere.

The pancake block symbolizes an impressive win by the offensive lineman over the defensive lineman or linebacker to create a wide opening for the rushing back to take advantage of.

What Is GOD Blocking In Football?

In addition to wedge and GOO on passes, GOD is the primary blocking rule for most plays, and for some of our linemen, it’s the only blocking rule they’ll need to understand. Inside Gap On Down is referred to as GOD. Our linemen use this simple procedure to decide who they will block on most plays.

How to Perform a Pancake Block?

The pancake block is simple to teach but challenging to execute. Follow these steps to learn to perform pancake blocks as an offensive lineman.

Step 1: Hand on the Ground

Put a little extra weight on the hand you placed on the ground while in your three-point stance for a running play. It will aid in increasing your body’s forward motion.

Step 2: Explode at the Snap

As soon as the ball snaps, you must fire hard out of your stance, then get involved with the guy you are supposed to block. The secret is to get your hands under your opponent’s chest pads quickly so you have the leverage to use a pancake block.

Step 3: High and Low

NFL pancake leaders must simultaneously push up and back while keeping their center of gravity low to the ground. You will effectively throw them off balance by pushing them up off their feet and back.

You need to drive them hard straight back downfield as soon as you start to throw them off balance. Keep your head up while doing this to prevent the defender from merely pushing down on the back of your helmet and throwing you off balance.

Step 4: Powerful Hands And Feet

As you push the defenders back, keep your feet moving and your arms and hands tight. They will be getting back on their feet at this time.

Step 5: Roll Your Hips

When this happens, you should roll your hips. Ultimately, you’ll use your legs and core strength to turn defenders on their backs. By rolling your hips this way, you will lift the defender off the ground.

Step 6: Landing It Right

Follow them forward when their feet get off the ground. When you explode through their body, you will be driving them down with your head down as they fall to the ground with their head up.

You’ll land directly on top of the defender when you do a pancake block flawlessly. It will remove your defender from the action and enable your team to get a running room. By executing a pancake block, you put your body in the way of the running back on your team and other defenders.

What Positions Are Usually Responsible For These Blocks?

There are a few spots that are ideal for arranging pancake blocks. The offensive guard is the position that produces these blocks the most frequently.


For two reasons, these guys typically earn more pancake blocks than other offensive linemen. The fact that guards frequently pull from the line and sprint downfield to block is one of the causes.

It gives the guard a fantastic chance to block the opponent with a pancake block because he can gain momentum before doing so. These large athletes can put a defender on their back considerably more quickly when moving downward.


Another position renowned for setting out pancake blocks is offensive tackle. These players take positions outside the formation and usually engage the outside rusher in one-on-one combat.

When in pass protection and facing a lone outside rusher, it is challenging for an offensive tackle to generate a pancake block. However, a tackle can only provide some significant blocks when they can move on a rushing play.

Tight Ends:

Another position where players may make some significant blocks against defenders is the tight end. Tight ends may be difficult to produce enough force for a pancake block because they are smaller than o-linemen.

Therefore, Pancake blocks frequently happen when a tight end surprises a player or when they are an extremely adept blocking tight end.

Additionally, blocking defensive backs like safeties is frequently assigned to tight ends. Due to their advantage in size and strength, larger and stronger tight ends occasionally can pancake the safety when this happens.

Are Pancake Blocks Legal?

Yes, it is legal, and if done properly, it will completely remove the player from the game. The Pancake Block is a legal word in football, even though it isn’t used officially at any level. But still, you can use it everywhere.

What Are A Football Player’s Most Simple Strategies To Prevent A Pancake?

The key element of the pancake block is leverage. By positioning yourself so that your center of gravity is lower than your opponent’s and using your positioning to block them vertically, which will lift them off the ground, you can gain leverage over them. You’ll have more power over the circumstance as a result. Roll your hips forward.

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